Function First Spine and Sport is a chiropractic clinic located in Webster County, Iowa. They specialized in spinal manipulation, soft-tissue therapies, rehabilitative exercises, and nutritional advice. For more information, call them now at 515-332-8154!
Function First Spine and Sport, PLLC
ClaimedHealthcarePhone(515) 332-8154
Address 604 Sumner Ave, Humboldt, IA, USA 50548
Function First Spine and Sport, PLLC
ClaimedHealthcarePhone(515) 332-8154
Address 604 Sumner Ave, Humboldt, IA, USA 50548
Function First Spine and Sport, PLLC
ClaimedHealthcarePhone(515) 332-8154
Address 604 Sumner Ave, Humboldt, IA, USA 50548